Andrew’s Mom Andrea hired me to do his highschool senior portraits but the way we met was not the usual! I was actually leaving two photoshoots in Temecula and Andrea was near the exit where I had to walk by and seemed to be in distress. I normally wouldn’t be in anyone’s business but something stopped me and made say to her “What do you need help with?” The rest is history … and no it wasn’t photos! haha God has his own way of putting people together so I don’t question it. Fast forward a couple months later and we are on the beach of Delmar by Powerhouse. It was a sunny day and as soon as you hit Delmar you got overcast and fog. But you guys know me I love that shit. I completely didn’t remember Andrew besides the fact I noticed the day I met Andrea that he had great hair! (they both do, so we know where he got it from). As we were picking out Andrew’s outfits and Andrea was adding beautiful shine to his hair, I noticed he looked like someone. I was like omg he’s Willy Wonka! Doesn’t he look just like Timothee Chalomet?? So handsome and so refined for a young teen. Honestly this kid could put himself through college modeling. I didn’t even really have to tell him what to do and photos aren’t Andrew’s thing at all so I was quite impressed. Check out the teasers from the day!